Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday again??

How does it get to be Sunday so quickly?  The work week seems to drag by and then the next thing I know, it's Sunday again...crazy.  Anyway, as always I have a lot to be happy and thankful for this week...
1) First and foremost, my mom had treatment again this week.  Now that she's doing the blood draws over here in Kalamazoo, she's only driving across the state once every 3 weeks.  This was one of them and she had scans on Wednesday prior to the scans.  Anyway, for the first time in 10 1/2 years, the spots are shrinking.  I tear up just thinking about it.  This drug may suck, she may have days where she feels horrible, but the spots are getting smaller.   My mom has been through hell and I am so thankful she finally got some good news.  I pray that this study continues to go well and they can put this drug on the market.  Just think how much good it could do for others!  And to think she is one of 100 people worldwide to get chosen for this was like winning the lottery!  And now to think that this drug actually might be doing something.  
2) First appointment with the OB nurse went well.  Just another step in a hopefully successful pregnancy.
3) Still feeling very good. No morning sickness.  Very thankful for that. 
4) Got to spend some good quality time with Dean before he left for a week to Orlando!  Already want him to come home!
5) I even made it to the gym a few times this's tough when all I want to do is sleep.  Now we'll try to do that again next week!!

Happy Sunday!  here's to a new week!

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