Thursday, December 18, 2008

Second beta is 232. Good number (according to the nurse anyway). So I'm happy. We scheduled the ultrasound for Jan 2nd. Since it's a holiday week and I'm out of town til the 1st, we have to do it in Grand Rapids, but I have the day off work so I don't care. And I don't even have to make up some excuse to be gone either...yay! So now I start praying for a little flicker of a heartbeat and that my little one wants to stick around in there for a while!! I think our trip will help time fly by and of course the holidays always help. We have plans tonight and over the weekend a few Christmas activities. And only 2 1/2 days of work next week. The trip will be here before we know it. Can't wait.
Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers....I really appreciate it.

**update** and if it doesn't seem like I'm excited, that is totally NOT the case. We are both over the moon excited and hopeful for this little one!!! Trying to keep it in check a little bit...but it's getting worse and worse by the day!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That's great news! I will say a prayer for you and your little one.