Wednesday, July 1, 2009

32 weeks

Little baby is growing like a week. According to the website updates he is almost 4 pounds and 17 inches long. I can feel him moving around in there a lot! Our latest appointment was yesterday. Apparently all my concerns are normal and she said everything seemed fine. Heart rate around 150. I didn't gain any weight from the last appointment (which seems a little odd to me). I was tired yesterday but still dragged my self to swimming. Only 4 more weeks of that! I still like it but I'm so much more tired now. It makes it harder to want to go.

Still feeling pretty good other than swollen feet and hands. And apparently having braxton hicks contractions, which the doctor seems to think are fine. Looking forward to the holiday weekend (mostly because we get Friday off!) I don't know what we're doing yet. Probably hanging out at the lake. Sounds good to me!

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