Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Daddy boot camp

Dean went to daddy boot camp over the weekend. It's a 3-4 hour class just for dads, taught by dads. He seemed to really enjoy it. And he liked telling me all the stuff he learned. They talked about a lot of things we talked about in other classes but also some new stuff. I'm really glad he went. I think he's getting more and more excited for the arrival of this little guy! We even talked names again last night. Still nothing picked out, but we're getting closer!! Apparently Dean doesn't want to pick a name because he's worried he'll find a name he likes better....sort of funny!

Yesterday we went to a funeral of a good family friend. He was 91 and had a good life, but of course it's still sad. But I was glad to be able to be a part of saying goodbye.

It feels like another busy week around here. Work is slow, but outside activities are busy! Swimming tonight, Tigers game Thursday and in law baby shower on Sunday. I'm hoping with these busy weeks, the time will go by faster! I just found out my aunts friends daughter who was due the same day I was, had her baby last night. She didn't want to tell me because I'd be jealous. I want to meet my baby, but this is a bit early!! Maybe in a few more weeks!! But both she and the baby are doing well, so that's good. I don't know if it's genetic or what, but her mom had her and her brother 4 and 6 weeks early too. I'm just glad they're both doing well!

35 weeks tomorrow...looking forward to it!! And hoping for no rain on Thursday!

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