Tuesday, October 14, 2008


How do you work on having more patience? I feel like I am at the end of my rope....I'm trying to take deep breaths, keep my composure, mind my own business, but I work in a very small office. I can hear everyone's very word. And there lies the problem...every.single.word. Every phone call, every mumble, everything. (as you can see, my patience is near gone!) I still maintain that if I had an office with a door to close, I would like my job...maybe even love it. But the fact that someone is giving me her work and then I walk by and she's playing Texas hold em on her myspace I want to scream. But getting it out here helps...phew! Feeling better....slowly.

On another front, getting my blood redrawn Thursday instead of Friday in hopes to have an answer before the weekend.

And I got some of the insurance mess straightened around. They are resubmitting for payment on one and the other is "still in processing" or whatever that means. I still have to pay 20% b/c the RE is "out of network" but 20% is better than 100%! So I'll take it. I know the girl that worked here last year and had a baby in March is still dealing with the insurance for the labor and delivery...I swear, they just want someone else to pay even though that's their job. Although, I shouldn't talk, I do work in the industry.

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