Thursday, October 2, 2008

It continues...

The spotting's been 4 weeks today since the dreaded procedure and I'm still spotting. I had made up my mind that I would wait til the 4 wk mark and then call the dr. I just wanted some reassurance that this was all ok. I left my message with the nurse who said she'd talk to the doctor. She called back and said he wants to put me on provera for 10 days. She said AF should appear 7-10 days after my last pill, but could come sooner. Which basically means that I will be starting my next cycle a lot sooner than I originally thought. I of course am still sad about our past but am very optimistic about our baby making future. After all, we got pregnant the 1st cycle with the RE. At this point I need something to be optimistic about! I feel like I've been all doom and gloom the last few weeks. Everyone says it's understandable and we've been through a lot, but I just can't help but think that this isn't me. I'm usually the happy go lucky one. I'm usually the one that is laughing or smiling all the time. But the last 5 weeks have not been that way. Maybe moving on and starting a new cycle will help me feel better! And it will help me be less worried about it knowing that we will probably be able to get started on this cycle before we go to San Francisco. I was starting to worry about our timing and don't really want to miss a cycle because we're out of town. So hopefully this will help that to not happen.

So now the googling starts...I want to learn something about this drug before I pick it up after work today!

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