Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Why is it everywhere I look someone I know is pregnant, is talking about babies, talking about their kids going back to school, everything is kids, kids, kids. I'm not usually like this, but right now I just can't deal. I'm sick of my coworker talking about how sad it is that her kids are in 4th grade...um hello, at least you have kids. I know she doesn't mean any harm, but it's annoying. And does every single person on facebook and myspace have to post their ultrasound pictures? and tell the world how much they love being pregnant? I am being a brat, I know this.

So I called the RE's office at 8:30 when they opened and guess what...they don't do dnc's at this office. I have to go to the GR office and call their scheduler to get it figured out. So I called and left a message and haven't heard back. I called again to ask the operator if the woman is in the office (it would be just my luck she wasn't and no one was checking her messages) but she is. So I'm giving it til 11:30 an then I'm calling again. I don't want to do this procedure and I don't want to go to GR to do it. It's only an hour away, but it's just a pain. All of this is hard enough, why does it have to be even harder.

I'm still feeling quite sick and threw up again yesterday. This throwing up is getting old. I'm hoping after the procedure I can at least physically start to feel a little better but emotionally...it might be a while!

Anyway, sorry these posts aren't all sunshine and rainbows, but hopefully after all this rain, the sun will come out again. I can only hope!

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