I think I'm going to feel like the doctors office is my 2nd home before too long. We had another appointment today. Had the group B strep test. It wasn't that bad. The doctor last week said they'd check my cervix, but apparently they don't start that until 37 or 38 weeks. I'm glad to put that off a little! The doctor mentioned how swollen my feet are. I think it's because of going to the game, sitting in the car and then sitting in the stands. And it was pretty humid yesterday. They just haven't gone back down. I'll try working on that this weekend! I'm trying to keep them up at work, but it's hard to remember! He also felt around externally on the belly to try to feel the baby. He squeezed the baby's head and it sort of hurt...but the good thing is he's head down. He said that for the most part after 34 weeks, once they go down, they stay that way. So I'm hoping that's the way it stays for me! I think he's been head down for a while though. When he kicks/moves, I mostly feel it up on top and the sides. But from where he was squeezing, I'm pretty sure he hasn't dropped or anything. It seemed pretty high up. But everything else seemed fine. Weight is up (not too happy about that), BP is fine, HB is fine. So overall I think it was a good appointment. We go back next week.
I did ask him about my situation with my mom. She's due to have chemo in Detroit the week of my due date. Now let me preface this by saying I do not want to be induced unless absolutely necessary. I realize that no one can predict when a baby is going to be born. And lastly I know in the grand scheme of things, this is not that big of deal. HOWEVER....it's the birth of my 1st child, her first grandchild and I would like her in the same city as me. So I figured I'd bring it up just to get it off my chest. I told him I didn't want to be induced, I told him I know there's no way to tell when this is going to happen, but I just wanted him to know. And maybe if by my last appointment on the 20
th it looks like there's no way I'll be delivering anytime soon, she can go on Monday and get it over with and be home for another 3 weeks. I feel better having them know my situation. Now maybe I can stop thinking about it.
We had lunch and then back to work. Tomorrow is a day of cleaning and laundry and Sunday is the baby shower with the in-laws. I will be glad when it's over. I get so anxious when I have something to do with his parents. Especially after the last shower when she announced she didn't want to/wasn't ready to be a grandma. We'll see how she acts in front of her own family. I am making Dean go with me though, so that will hopefully help. And Dean wants to talk names again. At least to 'try' to come up with a name. I think we're going to start by writing down all the names we like and go from there. And this is going to sound super mean, but I don't really want the first people we tell to be his family who don't even want to be grandparents or have us as a part of their family...I'm a brat, I know. We probably won't even come up with anything anyway.
Well, time to head back to the couch and put my feet up....I don't think they can get any more swollen than they already are!!