Thursday, June 12, 2008

So Tired

I don't have any baby news to share. No updates, no appointments, no discussions, nothing. Which in all reality is just fine. I'm sort of anxious for a break. I need to stop thinking, obsessing, whatever. I mean we'll still 'try' this cycle, but not being totally immersed in it will be just fine by me!
I was out late last night and drank a little too much so now I'm seriously dragging at work. An hour and a half left and then home to take a nap and do it all again tonight! I love having out of town friends around, but my sleep habits don't appreciate it! I just hope I can get a little rest when I get home!
Well, now that you've gotten the update on my oh so exciting life (note sarcasm here), I guess I should get back to work.

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