Thursday, April 2, 2009

19 weeks

and 1 day. I'm a little behind on blogging.....thanks to a great vacation on the beach!  I got in yesterday.  We were a little late and I missed my connection in Atlanta but I made it in time to hang by the pool a little bit yesterday.  And today was fabulous.  It might rain tomorrow a bit, but that's the joy of Florida weather.  It might rain for 30 minutes and then be done.  So 2 more days of fun in the sun and then home again. Although I do miss I'll be glad to see him. He's leaving Monday night to go to the Ma.sters tournament for the week.  As my  mom says we'll be like 2 ships passing in the night.   Ha.  But we're both doing really fun things and stuff we probably won't be doing in the near future.  

Onto baby....19 weeks. Pretty excited. Almost half way there.  Things are still going ok. I thought I might have felt some movement day before yesterday.  This might sound weird, but it felt like my stomach flipped. Like when you go over a little hill in the car too fast or get nervous about something. I only felt it once while laying in bed trying to sleep. Who knows. It was probably just my imagination.  I can't wait to see the little one on the screen moving all around. Maybe then I'll know what to look for.  I've been feeling good although travel is hard.  Very tiring. Although worth it!  I can't believe only 12 more days til we see this little one.  I'm starting to look a little more pregnant.  My mom thinks so anyway. Although a lot of people seem surprised when I say I'm almost 5 months.  Who knows.  I start a water aerobics class next week when I get back. That should be fun.  And soccer starts next week too.  So between those, I'll be busy during the weeks!  That should help them fly by!  

Well...time for bed so I can get up tomorrow and lay by the pool again!!    

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