Monday, April 13, 2009

One more day

Tomorrow at this time I will have seen the little one on the ultrasound screen and hopefully know what we're cooking in there! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. I'm trying really hard to work on stuff and keep busy, but it's not working so well anymore. I was doing really well this morning....need that motivation back! I of course want everything to be healthy and normal, but I'm really hoping to find out what we're having too. I really have no idea. I haven't had any 'feelings' about it. I have had 2 dreams about the baby and in the first it was a boy and the second it was a girl. And all the other baby dreams I have, it's not apparent or part of the dream. Either way, we will be thrilled. And it will help with the name discussion...because right now that's a little difficult!!

Yesterday was Easter. We aren't too religious but it is nice to see family. We usually go to Deans aunts in South Bend. We hadn't heard from any of his relatives (except for his cousins on facebook who I'm friends with) in regards to the baby. I thought it was a little odd, but we aren't close or anything. Anyway, apparently my mother in law didn't tell ANYONE about the baby. Not her siblings, not the cousins, no one. So here I am, 5 months pregnant and no one knew. Of course everyone else was very excited. But did she say anything? No. Not one word to me. I was telling everyone about the pregnancy, the appointments, what we've looked at and that the big ultrasound was on Tuesday. So finally she turns to me and says "So the test is on Tuesday?" and of course my bitchy side (which tends to come out when she's around) says "The ultrasound is on Tuesday". I HATE it when people use the wrong terminology when you know damn well they know what they should be saying. My grandpa used to do that and it pissed me off. And that was all she said about it. Nothing about being excited, or call me when it's over, can't wait to go shopping, NOTHING. I would almost rather her tell me she wants nothing to do with the baby so at least I can know where she stands. Although at this rate she will have nothing to do with the baby!! Ugh...just remembering the day makes me mad. I guess I spent all these years worrying about their involvement in our lives after we had children for nothing. It's pretty obvious now. Oh well, the rest of the family is excited. And Dean and I are over the moon and that's all that really matters.

The next post will reveal!! Can't wait!!

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