Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Well I decided around 11 that the pain was too bad and I was calling. They got me in at 1:30 to see the on call doctor. Who happens to be my regular doctor, so that was nice. He took some measurements, checked the heartbeat and did an internal exam. Everything seemed fine. No blood, cervix is long and closed. He thinks it could just be the baby pushing on something or stretching muscles. Basically they don't know. They hooked me up to a monitor to see if there were any contractions going on. There were a few small ones, but no one seemed concerned. The baby's heartbeat was fine and he was kicking like crazy by the end of it. Basically the only thing they could tell me was to go home and rest. So I went back to work, told them and shut my computer down. Spent the rest of the afternoon at home on the couch. I feel better now. Still some pain, but not near as much. I just took some Tylenol in hopes to help relieve it more so I can sleep tonight. I plan to be fine in the morning and go on with regular activity (at least go to work). I did skip swimming tonight which I'm not thrilled about. But it is in my best interest to rest. And it's only one week. I guess I should be thankful this is the first scare I've had and I'm almost 29 weeks. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy, but let's just hope this doesn't happen again until it's time to give birth!

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