Friday, August 21, 2009

Last Day of Work!!!

My last day of work for 2 months (give or take)...I can't believe it. I really can't believe we're going to have a baby....I know we've been doing this for 9 months, but when it comes right down to it....yikes! A baby, any day now, I can hardly stand myself!

Work was beyond shitty. The crazy one I work with was basically a bitch all day. I don't know if it was directed at me because I am leaving, or if she was just having a bad day, but either way it was frustrating and annoying. She hates it when the attention is on someone else...and right now, it's not on her. I can say however that it made me so glad today is my last day. I had a fleeting thought of going in for half days next week since we didn't get any news yesterday at the doctor. But I reconsidered this morning. I deserve a few days to myself. And then after her sealed the deal! So I'm done for now. If we could just win the lottery or found insurance that grew on trees I probably wouldn't be going back at all. But that's another topic all together.

I'm still hoping to have the little guy as soon as possible...this weekend even if he'll cooperate. But we'll see. I'm feeling a little more at ease now. Feeling like I can wait it out. So we'll see how long that lasts. For now, I plan to have a restful and relaxing weekend....and we'll just wait!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

39 Weeks

Holy crap....39 weeks. That means that in a week (give or take) I will have my sweet boy. I can't wait. No, honestly...I cannot wait. I am SO ready to have this baby. I have been having lower back pain and a little bit of cramping (think menstrual cramps). But nothing significant. We go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping I'm somewhat dilated. And plan on asking him about stripping membranes. I hope he is open to the idea...

Nothing new to report this week. Hopefully have something new to report tomorrow. Keeping our fingers crossed:-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Single digits!!!

First off I can't tell you how excited I am to be in the single digits!! I'm hoping this little boy is punctual and doesn't make me wait longer than 9 days. I haven't had any contractions or major signs of labor. My back did however start hurting yesterday afternoon, which I have read can be a sign. So we'll see. I'm basically over being pregnant and just want to meet this little guy. It's really hard to sleep and be comfortable just about anywhere! So maybe after our doctors appointment on Thursday I'll have a better idea!

The only worry I have right now is getting the stomach flu....yep, the throwing up...etc, stomach flu. Dean was complaining of not feeling good last night and I was exhausted so we went to bed early. Less than an hour after laying down, he leaped out of bed and proceeded to throw up for the rest of the night. Poor thing, he felt awful. And there wasn't much I could do for him. He stayed home today (which I'm sure was about killing him!) I talked to him briefly and he said he might take a shower (a step in the right direction). I'm leaving work at 3 so I'll go check on him and then clean both bathrooms and whatever else he may have touched!! I REALLY don't need to be throwing up all night in my condition!! So hopefully he's feeling better soon and we can both be healthy to have this little baby.

Only 9 days left!! WAHOO!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

38 weeks and appointments

We had our 38 week appointment. They were running WAY late so we had a different doctor than I expected, which is fine. They had a really hard time finding the heartbeat but she thinks it's because he's laying with his back to my back. I hope he turns around before he comes out!!! But she finally got it and it's at a healthy 160. BP was fine. Weight is fine. I had my first internal check. It wasn't that bad (it wasn't that fun either) but I'm not dilated or So no baby anytime soon. She did say that it could happen anytime and when it does start it could go quickly. But I'm not so hopeful. We go back next Thursday. I'm hoping for a little change!!

Leaving work at 3 or 3:30 has been a huge help! I feel much better by the end of the week, and the days seem to go by much faster! I'm actually leaving at noon today to have lunch with some friends and a massage later! So looking forward to it. And I have big plans for myself this weekend. Cleaning the house and maybe even cleaning out my car! I hope I can get some motivation to get it all done. I have no other plans, so I have no excuse!!

And of course I have to keep thinking happy baby thoughts and maybe he'll start listening to me!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One more thing

So I've been worried about my mom having chemo when the baby is due/coming. I realize there is nothing we can do about this, but I can worry anyway. Well, she was supposed to have chemo yesterday which would have put her next treatment on the 31st. And I was starting to think this all might work out. She gets all the way over there (it's a 2+ hour drive to Detroit from here), spends the night and gets to the cancer center bright and early on Monday. They do the preliminary testing and low and behold her platelet count is too low. She can't have treatment if they're below 75. The lowest she's had so far is 78. They were 52 yesterday. A normal persons number is 150-400. There's nothing they can do other than a blood transfusion. And they won't do that until they get as low as 20. So she came home. She was NOT a happy camper. It's a long trip, something she plans her weeks around. Plans how she's going to feel, who is going to watch the animals, what she's going to be able to do etc. So even though it's a slight reprieve, not having treatment this's still frustrating. She will have the blood tested again Thursday and again Monday. If all is well by Monday she will have treatment next Thursday. I felt so bad for her. But hopefully she'll know this time before she gets there if she can or can't have treatment. Then she went on to tell me the precautions she needs to take. If she cuts herself, falls or gets a bruise she needs to go to the ER. If she hits her head, go to the ER. Sounds scary to me. But of course she just takes it in stride. So needless to say, baby or no baby, I'm worried about her. I hope she can start feeling better really soon!!

And it continues....

The in-law saga that is. I swear every time I think these people can't do anything worse, they do. So they bought a farm in Indiana so they could have horses and be closer to the race tracks. They're into horse racing...not my thing, but whatever. They are buying horses like money grows on trees. They've been down there a lot over the last month, he was just there for over a week by himself. He came home for like 5 days and now they're going back. The newest horse is racing Sunday and they don't know when they're coming back. So if the baby comes while they're gone, his mom will probably come back but he won't....WHAT? He's not invited to the delivery room (neither is she for that matter) but still...he's not going to come back to see his first and maybe only grandchild?? I have been worrying/wondering about this now for a while. What they were going to do? How I was going to react? They basically don't give us the time of day unless it affects them somehow. They need us to do something for them or give them something or some holiday is coming up. They never call to see how we are, never call to see if we need anything from them. So I guess I should have seen this or something like it coming.

The worst part is I feel horrible for my husband. He's so excited about this baby. We worked so hard and went through a lot and now we're finally going to be a family. And his dad is being a total jerkface about it. And his mom is too for that matter. I can't be too upset in front of him, I don't want to make him feel worse. My parents are over the moon excited....can't wait, want to know all the details...everything. His parents don't even ask about any of it. I don't think his mom has even said she's excited about the whole process. Ugh, it just bothers me. And I feel so bad for him.

But I guess no reason to dwell on the negative. I know that we are still beyond excited and can't wait to meet our son. If they aren't, it's their loss. Only 15 days left!!! SO EXCITED!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Appointments and parties

We had our weekly appointment yesterday. Everything seemed just fine. They keep telling me that 'next week' we'll be starting the internals....but apparently they aren't. According to the nurse they for sure will be doing it at 38 weeks (i.e. next week). So another week of reprieve! I'm actually kind of glad because I would hate to have heard I was 1 cm or even less because I would have worried about it all week! So now I just have to wait and see what next week brings.

Stats were all fine. My BP was fine, weight was up 2 pounds, but not on my scale at home. Still not worried about weight. Babies HB was 148, sounded great! Measuring right on schedule. Head still down. No questions, issues or was a quick appointment.

Work was busy last week and it's getting harder and harder to sit all day long. I'm thinking of starting to leave a little early next week. It might help me feel like I have more time to get stuff done and not feel quite so tired by the time I get home. We'll see how next week feels. I already have to leave early on Thursday for the appointment and I'm taking a half day Friday. So we'll see. I also need to firm up plans for when I come back with my dad and then 'announce' it to the rest of the office. I don't know why I'm nervous about it. I'm doing what is best for me and my new family and really don't care what they think. Just don't feel like dealing with the drama.

Last night Dean's aunt invited us to come to her house to visit with her kids and grand kids that were in town from Canada. We weren't able to go to the entire family reunion last week because travel isn't too fun anymore. But I wasn't aware that basically the entire family was coming! So there wasn't a lot of visiting going on with Dean's cousins, but it was fun. We had dinner, talked about the baby, caught up a little. Overall it was nice. His mother was there, which is always an experience. She was for the most part behaved, but still says such inappropriate things. I'm learning to deal with it, but it's still frustrating. And now she's decided she's going to give me advice on the baby. Basically I don't want to hear it. She hasn't given the baby the time of day yet, why should I start listening to her now?? Ugh...whatever. The rest of the family was nice!

And today I have big plans for myself. Cleaning, laundry (mine and baby's!), errands, shopping and hopefully have enough energy to make dinner! I guess I'd better get moving! Although the rain we're getting (which is much needed!) is making it hard to be motivated. If the rain continues, I might take a nap later!!

Oh and just because I can't help myself...the ticker is down to 18 days:-)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

37 Weeks

and 1 day. I had intentions of writing a post yesterday but between work being crazy busy and then out with a friend last night, I just ran out of steam by the time I got home.

The little guy is the size of a watermelon and the weight of a large mouth bass...nice. He's moving around a ton. I think I feel it more because there's no where for him to go! He likes to push a lot, not so much kick and jab. And as of yesterday he is full term. He could come any day now. He hasn't dropped yet so my guess is he won't be making an appearance anytime soon. I'm really hoping for him to make his appearance on the 20th or 21st so I've been telling him everyday....we'll see if he listens. I don't know why I want that day, just do. But he'll come when he's ready.

We have another doctor appointment tomorrow. First internal...yikes! I'm a little nervous about that, but oh well...Looking forward to hearing his little heartbeat. And then onto the weekend!! Wahoo!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

24 days

Wow, that's pretty close to 3 weeks!! I spent the day yesterday in his room getting it organized and cleaned up. I have more laundry to do and a little more work up there. I will try to get most of it done today. Although I woke up with a slight headache, sore throat and stuffy nose. I'm hoping it's from sleeping with my mouth open, but it doesn't feel like that kind of a sore throat. I will be so mad if after 9+ months I get sick. I plan to drink a lot of water and maybe even take a nap this afternoon....we'll see. I have a busy week planned too, so I can't be sick!!

The doctor appointment on Friday went fine. It was another 5 minute appointment. I guess I should be thankful that everything is so 'normal' that they don't need long to see me. He seems healthy, heart rate still 152, my bp is 'perfect' as the doctor said. I didn't even gain any weight last week! Yay for me. I'm still shooting for 40 pounds....we'll see. I have gained about 35-36 so far so I might be going over. But overall I think I've done pretty well. The doctor doesn't seem concerned, so that's good.

We went for a walk last night. It was a little harder than I thought. Swimming is great, but it's nothing like walking! I am hoping to go a few times a week now until he comes. I also want to keep swimming but with the busy week I have, I may just skip it. Getting up that early and then trying to do something after work is really hard. We'll see. If I can walk and swim a few times a week, I will be happy with that.