Wednesday, February 4, 2009

11 weeks

Another week goes by! In the middle of these weeks, they feel like they're dragging by, but we're almost to the 3 month mark...holy cow!
Anyway, according to baby center, Leon is the size of a lime now. His fingers are no longer webbed and he's moving his arms and legs all around. Sounds super cute and I wish I had my own personal ultrasound machine so I could look at him all the time.
I'm still feeling about the same. I get tired everyday around 2 but feel better around 4. Just in time to go home! I've even been to the gym twice this week. And I plan to go again on Friday. I'm going to try to start going 3 days a week. And when it gets warmer I can walk the subdivision after work. I just feel the need to do something with myself. I realize I'm pregnant and supposed to gain weight, but it's a lot harder than I thought. I have a long way to go too!! I have had a little more nausea, but nothing too bad. The heartburn is back. Tums are my friend! I'm not quite as starving as I was a few weeks ago. This will hopefully help with the weight gain. Everyone keeps asking if I'm craving anything...funny thing, but yes...applesauce. Sounds odd, but it's SO good! I think about it all the time! Sick...I know:-)
Other than that, things seem fine. I'm looking forward to the 16th to try to hear his little heartbeat again. Until then...happy Wednesday!


Carmen said...

I see alot of the word "him" in this know you are going to have a girl right?? :)

Kelly said...

Wow I can't believe you're 11 weeks already! My advice- Take it easy on yourself and get lots of rest and pampering too LOL!