Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have no cute title or any cute thoughts today. I just want to be back in bed. I had the Hcg shot on Friday. I have had no side effects at all save a few cramps. But today I feel like I have all the emotional effects the sheet listed. I'm irritable, crabby, emotional, etc. I DO NOT want to be at work. I DO NOT want to have to deal with other people. It might be that I'm just tired. Even though I was in bed before 10 last night, I was up a lot. Dreaming about babies and BFP's and all that goes along with it. I haven't dreamt about that kind of stuff in a long time. But it seems to be all I think about these days. I really hope this is it because I don't know if I can think about all this much longer without my head exploding! And I read these other blogs of women who have been trying far longer than me, have had much more loss and heartache than I have and then I feel guilty. I should just wait my turn. They've been through so much, they deserve this too.
On a slightly happier note, the girl I work with that is out on maternity leave is supposed to bring her baby in today so we can all see her. I actually saw her in the hospital when she was born, but I want to see her again. I know it potentially could make me sad, but over all I'm very excited to see the little peanut! I hope she still brings her in. I'm sure a lot can happen in the course of a few days with a little baby!
And we're going to Illinois to visit a friend this weekend, so I'm willing this week to go FAST so we can have a super fun weekend together! And having something to look forward to that doesn't have to do with babies, blood tests or pee sticks is a good thing right now!!

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